STREAM Self-Study Module 2

Assessing the Pelvis with Touch

Confident touch comes from good assessment skills. This course will acquaint you with four powerful assessment tools that ask the right questions, leaving no dimension of health unexamined. Authentic eros emerges naturally after skilled assessment & treatment.

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Assessing the Pelvis with Touch

STREAM Self-Study MOdule 2

    1. INTRODUCTION to Assessing the Pelvis with Touch

    1. INTRODUCTION to The Biomechanical Pelvis

    2. Lesson 1 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 21:17 - Pelvic Tilt, Torque, and Angle

    3. Lesson 2 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 21:01 - The Abdominal Tour: Inside & Out

    4. Lesson 3 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 20:24 - Legs Meet Pelvis

    5. Lesson 4 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 26:49 - Inside the Pelvis

    6. VIDEO DEMO & PRAXIS 35:09 - Abdominal Core Power (ACP) with Janet Hulme

    7. PDF - ACP Quick Start Guide 2021

    8. ARTICLE: New Evidence For People at Risk for Bladder and Bowel Dysfunction (10 to 15-minute read) Janet Hulme, Ph.D.

    9. VIDEO FOR FUN 1:47 - Dry Bones

    1. INTRODUCTION to The Biochemical Pelvis

    2. Lesson 1 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 13:58 - The Four Domains of Pelvic Health

    3. Lesson 1 - PDF: Mind Map of the Four Domains & Pie Chart Examples

    4. Lesson 2 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 13:11 - Know Your Guts

    5. Lesson 2 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 11:11 - Love Your Guts

    6. Lesson 2 - ARTICLE: Food Allergy & chronic cystitis (15-munute read) N. Campbell-McBride (2009)

    7. Lesson 3 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 24:01 - Your Psoas is THE Muscle

    8. Lesson 4 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 16:30 - Sphincters Rule Your World

    9. Lesson 5 - THEORY VIDEO 4:29 - The Truth About Coffee Enemas with Nicolas Gonzalez MD

    10. Lesson 5 - THEORY VIDEO 3:04 - Do Coffee Enemas Work? with Nicolas Gonzalez MD

    11. PRAXIS INSTRUCTIONS: How I Do a Coffee Enema PDF (3-minute read) Ellen Heed

    12. ARTICLE: How Coffee Enemas Work from the Gerson Institute PDF (5-minute read)

    13. ARTICLE: Coffee Enema History & Instructions PDF (7-minute read) Kim Schuette, CN

    14. ARTICLE: Reviving Health Through Gentle Detoxification PDF (10 to 15-minute read) by Kim Schuette, CN (2015)

    1. INTRODUCTION: The Emotional Pelvis

    2. Lesson 1 - THEORY VIDEO 19:57 - Why Emotional Mapping?

    3. Lesson 2 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 17:19 - Your Emotional Core

    4. Lesson 2 - BLOG: Where DO We Learn About Digestion? (5-minute read) Ellen Heed

    5. Lesson 3 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 16:34 - Legs & Your Emotional Pelvis

    6. Lesson 3 - STREAM Case Study: Using STREAM as a Methodology to Treat Self-Abuse (15 to 20-minute read) Ellen Heed

    7. Lesson 4 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 17:11 - Pelvic Guard Dogs, Bodywork, & Intimacy

    8. ARTICLE: Hostile Marital Interactions, Proinflammatory Cytokine Production, and Wound Healing (15-minute read) Kiecolt-Glaser, Loving, Stowell, Malarkey, Lemeshow, Dickinson, & Glazer (2005)

    1. INTRODUCTION to Scar Tissue in the Pelvis

    2. Lesson 1 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 14:24 - Connecting to Connective Tissue

    3. Lesson 2 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 12:51 - Connective Tissue Density & Immunity: Silent Short - what can you learn without the spoken word?

    4. Lesson 2 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 23:34 - Connective TIssue Density & Immunity, Full Narrated Version

    5. Lesson 3 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 16:17 - False Distinctions & Connective Tissue

    6. Lesson 4 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 18:43 - Scars Spread from Local to Distal

    7. Lesson 5 - A&P INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO 18:04 - Pelvic Scars? Let Me Count the Ways

    8. Lesson 5 - ARTICLE: Excerpt from Dissertation - Chapter 1, Defintions: Wound Repair (6-minute read) Ellen Heed (2018)

    9. PRAXIS INSTRUCTIONS: How to Make a Castor Oil Pack Kim Schuette, CN

    10. PRAXIS INSTRUCTIONS: The Application of Castor Oil Ellen Heed

    11. PRAXIS INSTRUCTIONS Water Wealth: Baths for Detox & Skin Health (10 minute read) Barry Kapke ACST, CI

    12. PRAXIS INSTRUCTIONS: Oxidized Epsom Salt Bath (3-minute read) Barry Kapke ACST, CI

    13. ARTICLE: The Many Uses of Castor Oil (7-minute read) from The Natural Health Treasury

    14. ARTICLE: History of Castor Oil & Health: Modified from Modern Uses for an Old Folk Remedy (15-minute read) Simone Gabbay, RNC

    15. BLOG: An Ancient Yet Modern Medium for Self Care (12-minute read) Ellen Heed

    16. E-BOOK: Edgar Cayce and the Palma Christi (2-hour read) William McGarey, MD

    17. ARTICLE: Castor oil induces laxation and uterus contraction via ricinoleic acid activating prostaglandin EP3 receptors (15-minute read) Tunarua, Althoffa, Nüsingb, Dienerc, & Offermanns (2012)

    18. ARTICLE: SI, Finding Balance Connective Tissue & Scar Tissue (15-minute read) Jeffery Burch (2001)

    19. RABBIT-HOLE for SCIENCE NERDS: Presence and Distribution of Sensory Nerve Fibers in Human Peritoneal Adhesions Sulaiman et al, 2001

    20. RABBIT-HOLE for SCIENCE NERDS: Intestinal Obstruction from Adhesions–How Big is the Problem? Menzies & Ellis, 1990

    21. RABBIT-HOLE for SCIENCE NERDS: Adhesion-Related Hospital Readmissions after Abdominal and Pelvic Surgery: a retrospective cohort study Ellis et al, 1999

    22. RABBIT-HOLE for SCIENCE NERDS: Adhesion-Related Readmissions Following Gynaecological Laparoscopy or Laparotomy in Scotland: an epidemiological study of 24,046 patients, Lower et al, 2004

    23. RABBIT-HOLE for SCIENCE NERDS: The SCAR-3 Study: 5-year adhesion-related readmission risk following lower abdominal surgical procedures, Parker et al, 2005

    24. PRAXIS INSTRUCTIONS: How to Wash Your Queen of Thrones Castor Oil Pack

About this course

  • 2 x $1.00
  • 56 lessons
  • 6.5 hours of video content

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